Reach for the Crown!

Reach for the Crown!

Sparkle, sparkle little Stars...

We’ve all imagined what it would be like to be adored by millions for a day.

Well...we can’t give you the status (unless you win Miss Stardoll World), but we can give you the chance to create your very own head piece.

Get inspired by the glitz and prestige of the Miss World 2012 Final and design a crown fit for a beauty queen.

This is what you need to do:

Go to StarDesign Jewelry. Design the most fabulous Crown, buy it and if you wish add to it some various items from Starplaza. Take a photo of your MeDoll in her Suite (not in the Beauty Parlor) and send it to us!

It needs to be creative, extraordinary and one Miss World would be proud to wear!

The winner gets a shiny new head piece as a trial run for the big stage



Contest lasts untill 24th August