Silk Road III

Silk Road III
Silk Road, Part III

Silky StarDesign

Silk is one of the most delicate and one of the most luxurious fabrics known to man.  We see it everywhere: in clothing, wall hangings, bedding, furniture...even in rugs! 

We'd like to see your creativity with silk...if you had silk in your Stardoll wardrobe, what would it look like?

For this special contest, go to StarDesign and create the most amazing silk garment!  Choose any of the available StarDesign items to weave and stitch, then create a Scenery submission, highlighting your new silk design.

Use only
Fashion Design items - Interior Design doesn't count!



The contest will be going on untill the 31 of Aug

A gift will await each contestant taking part in this eventful journey!
Twelve designs will be chosen for this contest and the winners will receive Starcoins.