Royalty -- Tell Us What You Watch On TV!

Royalty -- Tell Us What You Watch On TV!

Hey Royalty! 
We want to update the Quickfacts that are listed under presentations! This week, we will be asking YOU for input on new TV shows to add! It's super easy and you could win some Stardollars! 

Whether you are a crime-show fanatic, live for daytime tv, or swear by the advice on chat shows, we want to know! Prefer reality or game shows? Tell us! More of a fantasy / sci-fi fan? We are so curious! What are the shows you eagerly anticipate each week or when they are released on streaming options?

We will review all of the entries and select the shows listed most to update the Quickfacts options. 5 entries will be randomly selected to win Stardollars! 

-List out your favorite shows (up to 1000 characters' worth of shows) in the box below by June 1 (please make sure they are recent programs or not currently listed as a Quickfacts option) 

-Have fun by helping Stardoll!
