Use the Force Diary Competition

Use the Force Diary Competition
May the Force be with you! 
These iconic words are a Jedi greeting throughout the Star Wars universe. They are so very popular that May the Fourth has unofficially become known as "Star Wars Day" (with Revenge of the Sixth 2 days later as a play on words from Revenge of the Sith).
We want to know what would happen if you discovered you could use the Force. Would you be a noble Jedi, or are you more prone to become a Sith Lord? Do you think your skills would lead you to become a Jedi Master, or that you would be more Force-sensitive and work in other ways?

And tell us about your most elegant weapon for a more civilized time! what color and style Lightsaber would you wield?

The entries that wow us will win Stardollars that even Jabba the Hutt would accept, and a galactic prize that is out of this world!

-Write up to 1000 characters on the above-mentioned topic in the box below by May 11
-Make sure your writing is your own, is original, and regards Star Wars 
-Have fun!