

Beauty Feature: BadGirl4ever.LA


Hello, dolls!

Beauty Feature returns with the stunning BadGirl4ever.La! I was drawn to her subtle beauty look on Spotlight. I'm sure you will agree that the simplicity really makes the look perfect - the natural use of Stardesign Hair and the pop of colour with the piercings create a one-of-a-kind look. 

Q: What inspires you beauty-wise?
A: Beauty-wise... hmm I would lie if I say most my looks are not influenced by the music I listen to. For example, the look I am wearing right now is inspired by Jimin from BTS in their War of Hormone music video.

Q: What are your opinions in regards to beauty on Stardoll?
A: I love LOVE the variation of looks dolls here have when I'm looking through the Spotlight section, there is SO MUCH variety, you have chic dolls, you have the ones covered in tattoos, Asian-inspired, African inspired, and so on, it's truly amazing. And the look before that was inspired by the female lead of the Japanese animation Nana, a punk rock singer and the one before that was inspired by singer Takuya Yamanaka from the band The Oral Cigarettes from 気づけよBaby's music video.

Thank you to BadGirl4ever.La for allowing me to feature your gorgeous doll! If you know another doll who deserves to be featured, let me know in the comments!

Lauren xox

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