Dress Up For Easter

Dress Up For Easter



Tap into your creative streak this season and you could win Stardollars!


Create a unique outfit using at least one of the garments and accessories only available with the Easter Pass and showcase your creations by taking a picture and sharing it with us.

You don’t have to use all items from the pass, but any outfits you create have to be based on at least one of the items from the Easter Pass.


It has to be a full outfit so any pictures taken have to include everything from top to toe. This means no picture cropping =)


Now is your chance to define your style. Be it classy, glam or simply understated chic. Whatever outfit you create has to be a truly creative style to stand a chance of winning Stardollars.


Have you got what it takes?


Unleash your inner designer today!





Runs until April 15th