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16 Days: Additional Resources

för 143 månader sedan

Where can I find more information on violence against women and girls?

  • Read about the 16 Days Campaign on the international website or on Facebook.
  • Someone pressuring or disrespecting you? Check out That’s Not to learn more about digital dating abuse.
  • Love shouldn’t hurt! Read more about violence in relationships at
  • Learn what activists around the world are doing to Say NO to Violence Against Women on the Say NO – UNiTE site.
  • Take control of technology to end violence against women. Take Back the Tech!


I or someone I know has experienced violence or abuse and needs help. Where can I look?

  • If possible, reach out to an adult you trust.
  • Hot Peach Pages is a global list of abuse hotlines, shelters, refuges, crisis centres and women’s organizations, plus domestic violence information in over 80 languages.


I want to do something about this issue. Where do I start?

  • Check out the 16 Days Take Action Kit to learn about ways to get active in your community.
  • Want to Do Something about violence and bullying, but not sure where to start?
  • Organize an event for V-Day, a global movement to end violence against women and girls.
  • AWID’s Young Feminist Wire is a space for young feminists – especially young women – working on women’s rights and gender equality around the world to connect, learn and share information.
Read more from the World YWCA and UNFPA about how to lead change.
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