Najbolji modni dizajn

Since Flash is no longer supported after the end of 2020, you need to use the downloadable launcher to continue playing Stardoll.
Preuzmi aplikaciju!
  • nini_95


  • Diana_Filipa1


  • Rimas04


Trenutno najbolja moda

Najbolji dizajn nakita

Since Flash is no longer supported after the end of 2020, you need to use the downloadable launcher to continue playing Stardoll.
Preuzmi aplikaciju!
  • DivaduRock


  • orio55


  • daniQuerida5


Trenutno najbolji nakit

  • Alex


  • daniQuerida5


  • MiaColucci


Najbolji dizajn interijera

Since Flash is no longer supported after the end of 2020, you need to use the downloadable launcher to continue playing Stardoll.
Preuzmi aplikaciju!

Trenutno najbolji interijer

Najbolje dizajnirana frizura

Since Flash is no longer supported after the end of 2020, you need to use the downloadable launcher to continue playing Stardoll.
Preuzmi aplikaciju!

Trenutno najbolje frizure