Stardoll Fashion Night Out

Stardoll Fashion Night Out
From the 6th to the 25th of September, Vogue will host the annual Vogue Fashion Night Out! In more than 4500 events in 18 countries, this singular event will be dedicated to only one thing: fashion!  Could we pass up this opportunity to celebrate this on Stardoll? Of course not!

We’ll honor this event with the Stardoll Fashion Night Out, where you’ll have the chance to express your creativity at the highest level. Be the designer of a very special item for this exclusive event!

Here’s what you do to join in on the excitement:

1. Go to StarDesign Fashion and create something unique. Don’t forget that you are creating an item for an event and therefore should contain the motto Stardoll Fashion Night Out.
2. Buy your design and go to your suite.
3. Take a photo of your MeDoll wearing your creation and submit it below.

The best entries will win Stardollars and be published in the StarBlog.

Good luck – and may good taste lead you!


Contest runs until September 25th