Eurovision 2018 Photo Contest!

Eurovision 2018 Photo Contest!

Hello Dolls!

The Eurovision Song Contest has been happening since 1957! Countries in and around Europe compete by sending one song each to a big competition and everyone votes for the winning song!

The Eurovision Song Contest 2018 finished this May 12th. This year, Eurovision happened in Lisbon, Portugal. It was the first time Portugal hosted the contest. In July 2017, it was announced that Lisbon Altice Arena would be the stage for the main event!

The winner song in 2017 was <i>Amar pelos Dois</i>, by Salvador Sobral. In 2018, the winner was Netta Barzilai, with the song <i>Toy</i>.

The Festival is broadcast in every participating country and it holds 1/6 of the world’s audience. This year, 43 countries participated.

Now, let’s do our own competition based on the Eurovision!
This way, those who are fans can relive the event, instead of waiting until next year.

For those who are new to Eurovision, it will still be fun to change your Doll’s look based on a famous celebrity or even do a new decor in your Suite, inspired by the theme.

This is what we will do! Decorate your Suite and create a star look on your Doll!
Get inspiration from the participants and build up your stage! Which country do you want to represent?

- Transform your Doll in a Eurovision Star and decorate your Suite to match!
- Take a picture of your Suite and submit it here by May 22.

The winners will get Stardollars!

Good Luck, Dolls!

And congratulations Portugal for being an amazing host!

We would like to thank nunoes06 for inspiring us to do this competition. She received 1 item of her WishList!
